Reading and Study Skills 10-e購物網口碑

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Reading and Study Skills 10-e購物網口碑 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: Now in its tenth successful edition, Reading and Study Skills has long been a favorite of both instructors and students alike. From its step-by-step, comprehensive coverage of the essential reading and study skills, to its practical, sensible style and tone, this text encourages and motivates students to get the most out of their reading and shows them how to master key study skills in order to have rewarding college experiences.博客來書店

The new edition includes:

Two new readings. 'Wired for Touch' and 'A Door Swings Open' in Part Six offer a moving look at the importance of human touch to our everyday lives and an inside view of how one woman coped with a life-threatening illness. These additions, along with eight other readings in Part Six, give students further practice in reading comprehension while providing thought-provoking subject matter.

A complete textbook chapter. Part Two:Study Skills includes a newly revised text- book chapter from the popular introductory sociology text. Hughes and Kroehler's Sociology: The Core. The chapter covers marriage and family issues in the United States with a focus on the special challenges American families and society face as a whole. This chapter-presented in its entirety-is accompanied by activities giving students extensive practice in reading, responding to exercises, understanding various graphics (such as tables and graphs), and taking study notes on a full-length chapter.
Additional guidance on self-motivation. Part One:Motivational Skills now includes a useful set of tips and strategies to help students develop self-motivation so that they can be more effective learners and participants in their everyday lives.

Updated and revised examples, activities, and exercises to reflect contemporary issues and popular culture. New subject matter includes coverage of the hazards of cellphone use, eating disorders, and dealing with anger.

An Online Learning Center ( with re博客來vised modules tied to each chapter of the text. The博客來網路書店 modules feature interactive quizzes, annotated Web links, journal activities, and much more. Icons throughout the text direct students to where these additional sources are available online.

Reading and Study Skills 10-e購物網口碑 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2014/04/29
  • 語言:英文

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